Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Countdown to Christmas - Photography Tips

Tip 8: Shooting at Night

Begin with getting to know your camera settings and get comfortable with their presets.  Even most point and shoots will have a night scene setting.  Go for a longer shutter exposure, but remember to use a tripod.  Extra stability will eliminate camera shake and capture a great shot.  Check your in camera white balance setting.  Adjust your ISO to it's highest setting and take several shots so you can choose the one with the least noise.  Any time you play around with so many settings, take several shots of the same scene/image so you can compare and study them later.  Your camera will "mark" your settings so you can learn from your own work.  Always remember three people will all pick a different "favorite" shot.  With practice, you can learn what YOU like and adjust accordingly for future shots.  As for flash, remember your pop-up will only work 6-10 feet from the camera, and chances are the lighting will be harsh.  You may need an external flash unit, and add a soft diffuser to bounce light off of the ceiling or walls.  Last, but not least...consider shooting WITHOUT your flash.  Look around you and find with whatever little light you have.  Candlelight, the glow of the moon, lamps, and streetlights  can produce a soft seductive glow to a shot that would be ruined by a flash.

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